Monday, April 18, 2011

Indie Author Showcase 5: Patty Jansen

Today's featured writer is Patty Jansen, who boasts an impressive list of published stories and novels along with the honor of having placed first in the Writers of the Future Contest in the second quarter of 2010. She's also part of the editorial team of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. Be sure to visit her website for more information about her work. Also, if you're a writer, or a reader interested in writerly matters, you have to peruse Patty's blog. It's priceless. 

And now... from the author herself.

*    *    *    *

Book Title:
The Far Horizon

Genre: Science Fiction (for younger readers)

Your Book in 1000 Words or Less:
Of all the things ten-year-old Cory Wilson expects to do when he moves to Midway Space Station, saving aliens from humans isn't one. An important conference is about to start at the station, not usually the sort of thing kids care about, not even when the conference is between humans and aliens, and half your family is alien. However, when bullies tease Cory, he ends up in a prohibited area where he overhears some men planning to plant a bomb at the conference. Because the terrorists hide their messages in computer games, no one believes Cory, not even his father, the station director. Kids at school think he’s crazy, some even think aliens should be bombed. The conference starts, the aliens have brought a very important person, and Cory's teacher, one of the terrorists, locks Cory in the classroom. Can he get out in time? If he does, will anyone listen? 

Book Link:

Author Website:

Something Unique About Your Writing Process: I have a jar with pieces of papers with numbers on my desk. When I'm in the final stages of editing a book, I draw pieces of paper from this jar, and work on the chapter number corresponding with the paper I draw. This helps me focus on the nitty-gritty editing, instead of reading the story.

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