Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Indie Author Showcase 3: Kevis Hendrickson

The third author to be featured on the Indie Author Showcase is an all-in-one creative powerhouse. Author, musician, illustrator, and filmmaker Kevis Hendrickson brings us the adventures of an intergalactic bounty hunter. Be sure to grab his eBook from Amazon and definitely check out his website for more information about the Rogue Hunter universe.

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Book Title: Rogue Hunter: Quest of the Hunter

Genre: Science Fiction

Your Book in 1000 Words or Less: Intergalactic bounty hunter Zyra Zanr stumbles upon a secret plot to assassinate high-ranking members of the InterGalactic Senate. Zyra is reluctant to get involved, but unseen forces conspire to draw her into a conflict that threatens to explode into a galactic war. Little does Zyra know that she alone can save mankind from an impending holocaust.

Book Link:

Author Website:

Something Unique About Your Writing Process: I consider myself a spiritual successor to the ancient bards who spun the old myths and legends. Anyone who looks closely enough will find mythological underpinnings in my work regardless of genre.


  1. I am loving all the colors of this cover! Can't wait to read it!

  2. Hope you enjoy the book, Gabrielle! :)
